Common Problems and Solutions You Can Encounter When Installing Gas Springs

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First of all, why do we need gas springs? This article explains the necessity of gas springs and the problem involved when installing them.

Imagine that your car's hatchback had no springs. For starters, it would be quite difficult to lift. Also awkward given how long it is. When you went to load your groceries, there would be nothing to hold them up in the air, which would be a great hassle.

You would have to use cumbersome metal support to pin it open, much like you do with the hood (bonnet), and it would most likely be filthy and greasy. If you let the lid fall, it would likely cause significant damage to the bodywork of your automobile as it crashed down.

Problems and Solutions when installing the gas springs

1. The depth and height of the space

The installation of the gas spring comes with numerous issues. For instance, to guarantee the integrity of the bottom, one can place a coil spring in the pocket of the same core.

Additionally, the pocket's depth must be constrained. The length is kept under control at 2 and the angle is kept at 30 degrees.

The installation should take into account the style of the entire thread and should leave a 3 mm gap, in which the pressure pad should be completely in contact with the gas spring.

If the pocket is too small, he might have a deeper core. Some people might think about testing first to see whether they can meet the space requirements before installing.

Adjustable gas spring

2. The position of the piston rod

The piston rod must be inserted in the downward position and not flipped when the gas spring is installed. As a result, there is less friction and greater damping and cushioning performance.

Whether the gas spring can operate normally depends directly on how well or poorly the fulcrum is installed.

Allow the fulcrum to move toward the middle line as it closes to allow the door to be automatically pushed aside. During use, gas springs shouldn't be tilted or subjected to lateral forces, and they shouldn't be utilized as handrails. The structure of the gas spring will alter over such a prolonged period.

3. The sealed durability

The piston rod's surface must not be harmed by the gas spring to guarantee the seal's dependability. The piston rod must not have paint or other chemicals applied to it, nor should the gas spring be pre-installed in the desired location through welding, grinding, painting, etc. Processing will shorten the gas spring's useful life.

It must make sure that the equipment looks neat and clean while the work is being done. The component force that the gas spring produces while it operates can assure greater damping and buffer function.

Partner with us for the best gas spring

To meet customer demands, there is continuous innovation in the development of gas springs.

We manufacture standard gas springs and other system components as an experienced and reputable gas spring supplier.

Please click here to see our various designs and offers. We look forward to working with you in the future.


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